Aroon is an indicator system that determines whether a stock is trending or not and how strong the trend is. The Aroon indicators measure the number of periods since price recorded an x-day high or low. There are two separate indicators: Aroon-Up and Aroon-Down. A 25-day Aroon-Up measures the number of days since a 25-day high.A 25-day Aroon-Down measures the number of days since a 25-day low. In this sense, the Aroon indicators are quite different from typical momentum oscillators, which focus on price relative to time. Aroon is unique because it focuses on time relative to price. Chartists can use the Aroon indicators to spot emerging trends, identify consolidations, define correction periods and anticipate reversals. In graph we can see that Aroon indicator gave signal when Aroon-Up crossed the Aroon-down. this uptrend was sustain and went 50 points to 100 points. That time Aroon down also in downtrend.